JHS Adoption Center
JHS Adoption Center

2024 Impact

Animals Sheltered
Spay & Neuter Surgeries
Families Kept Together

Our Mission

The Jacksonville Humane Society provides care, comfort and compassion to animals in need while engaging the hearts, hands and minds of our community to bring about an end to the killing of abandoned and orphaned shelter animals.

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February Spokespet of the Month

Meet our February Spokespet of the Month: Flynn! Flynn was a runner-up in our fifth annual Jacksonville’s Cutest Pet Contest.

“Flynn was found as a stray and brought to the Jacksonville Humane Society, and he was heartworm positive. We adopted Flynn almost the same day he arrived at JHS in August 2021. Flynn’s heartworm treatment over the first few months went very well and he was officially heartworm negative August 2022. Flynn recovering from heartworms was in no way a limitation, Flynn is extremely healthy and very active. He has a special passion for swimming; long after everyone else is out of the water he will continue to throw his toys in by himself, let them float away a bit and jump in after them. He has a perfect line down his face which is unique and mysterious. I think it makes him Jacksonville’s cutest. We named him Flynn because it means ‘son of the red-haired one.'” – Flynn’s family

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News & Blog

Mutt March is BACK!

After a 5-year hiatus, the Jacksonville Humane Society’s Mutt March is BACK! Register as an individual or create a walk team today at jaxhumane.org/muttmarch.

“Chip In” To Support JHS with THE PLAYERS Championship!

Donate to JHS while getting in on the fun of THE PLAYERS Championship 2024!

From the Desk of Denise Deisler…

Looking ahead, 2025 marks an exciting milestone and a significant transition that we are eager to share with you! 

Send a gift for the animals this Valentine’s Day!

This year, send a loving gift that will make a lifesaving difference for a dog or cat in Jacksonville and warm the heart of your loved one.

Learn more about our Florida Leaders in Lifesaving program, powered by Petco Love!

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