Found Kittens in Jacksonville?

Did you find a litter of kittens? Did your cat have kittens? Wondering what to do next? We’ve got you covered!

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If you don’t find the answers to your questions here, please contact our Pet Help Center team at [email protected].

When we find a litter of kittens, our good-hearted instincts tell us to jump in and help, but there are many circumstances in which it is in the kittens’ best interest to be left alone. Their mother cat will likely return to them shortly, and it’s critical that the kittens remain in her care if possible – she offers the best chance for survival. If you are certain that the kittens are orphaned, or if they are injured, sick, or in an unsafe situation, you can then step in and help by caring for the kittens until they’re old enough to find homes.

The flyers below will help you determine what steps to take if you’ve found kittens:

CASA Flyer KL Approved PNG


Signs of a Sick Kitten

We also recommend consulting this chart from Operation Catnip to determine whether or not the kittens you found need help.

Every situation – and every kitten! – is different. YOU can help save lives by following CASA and Don’t Kitnap procedures. For help caring with your kitten, please use our resource library.

Due to the overwhelming number of kittens who come to our shelter on a daily basis, JHS cannot guarantee that we can take in any litter of kittens. Please practice “CASA” and “Don’t Kitnap” procedures. If you need additional resources to help you provide care for found kittens or find homes for them, please contact our team at [email protected].

Whether you want to help outdoor cats or find them a nuisance, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is the solution. This involves using a humane trap to trap the cat, bringing it to a clinic, having it spayed or neutered, and then returning the cat to where they were trapped. The cat will receive an “ear tip” to indicate it has been fixed. If you see a cat with an ear tip, leave it where it is.

Having fixed cats in the area prevents the birth of unwanted kittens and will stop other unfixed cats from entering the area.

The following resources are available to assist with TNR in our area:

Oops, she did it again! Did you know that cats can get pregnant as early as four months and can have up to three litters with four or more kittens…every year? And cats will not hesitate to mate with their littermates and offspring. Please get your kitty fixed!

If your cat had kittens, this is your responsibility.  Please check with your vet about spay/neuter options or take advantage of the programs listed here. We are happy to provide guidance on finding them new homes. JHS has a partnership with and you can list the kittens on our website for free to help them find new families.

The American Veterinary Medical Association advocates that all cats be spayed or neutered by no later than five months. The following organizations can provide free or low-cost spay/neuter for cats:

First Coast No More Homeless Pets

6817 Norwood Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 425-0005
Free and low-cost spay/neuter
Appointments required for owned pets
Appointments not required for feral cats

Seaglass Spay Neuter

2893 Edison Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 683-1098
Low-cost spay/neuter
Tuesday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm, Friday-Monday closed

St. Francis Animal Hospital

2727 Atlantic Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 674-7223
Low-cost spay/neuter
Appointments required

Clay Humane

2230 Filmore St.
Orange Park, FL 32065
(904) 276-7729
Free spay/neuter for cats
Appointments required
Feral cats are fixed on Wednesday, no appointment required

Wags & Whiskers Pet Rescue

Serving Duval, St. Johns, and Putnam Counties
1967 Old Moultrie Rd.
St. Augustine, FL 32086
(904) 797-6039
Free spay/neuter certificates available
Low-cost spay/neuter available

Most kittens who arrive at the shelter are too small to stay more than a few hours. They must go to foster homes, where willing volunteers provide at-home TLC to help them grow big and strong. Once they are 2 lbs, they can come back to the shelter to find homes. Shelters provide medical care and foster parents are responsible for ensuring the safety and development of these little lives.

Volunteers play a crucial role in the shelter setting to provide care to kittens. This includes weighing, bathing and feeding kittens along with supporting staff by cleaning, doing laundry, answering phone calls and more.

Both the Jacksonville Humane Society and Animal Care and Protective Services need your help.

Learn how to help at JHS

Learn how to help at ACPS

In 2024, JHS cared for 5,782 cats and kittens, and the compassionate care for each of those feline friends costs hundreds of dollars. Your donations help save their lives!

Are you willing to help with a gift?

Donate funds

Donate items

Everyone can help save kitten lives by sharing the message of what to do when kittens are found! Here is a sample of a message you can post on social media:

When we find a litter of kittens, our good-hearted instincts tell us to rush to the aid of these fragile felines. But WAIT! There are many circumstances in which it is in the kittens’ best interest to be left alone. Their mother cat will likely return to them shortly, and it’s critical that the kittens remain in her care if possible – she offers the best chance for survival. The best thing you can do is leave them alone and wait for mom to return! If you have already moved them, please go look for mom. If she doesn’t return in 8 hours, or if the kittens are sick/injured, here’s how you can help:

Share our CASA and Don’t Kitnap flowcharts:

CASA Flyer KL Approved PNGDon't Kitnap Jax Sponsored by Jaguar Moving ()

You can also print our CASA and Don’t Kitnap Kittens flyers and post them in your favorite neighborhood hot spots!

You can also share our post on Facebook.

If your veterinary practice would like to help, please contact our team.

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