The Jacksonville Humane Society provides care, comfort and compassion to animals in need while engaging the hearts, hands and minds of our community to bring about an end to the killing of abandoned and orphaned shelter animals.
2024 Impact
Our Mission
January Spokespet of the Month
Meet our January Spokespet of the Month: Aspen! Aspen was a runner-up in our fifth annual Jacksonville’s Cutest Pet Contest.
“Aspen is not only the most adorable, sweet, and smiley kitten you’ll ever meet, but he’s also one of the first FIP survivors in Jacksonville! Aspen is the poster kitty of hope, love, and endurance, making him a true warrior for Feline Infectious Peritonitis. We are so proud of our adorable little boy, who continues to give hope to this once deadly coronavirus, with a continued sweetness in his personality, which hasn’t dulled, even through his 84 days of tough treatment! Aspen is the face of the future of ‘CURED” and absolutely THE most adorable little boy in the world!” – Aspen’s family
Upcoming Events
High School Service Day
8464 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, Florida
Pawsident’s Day Camp
8464 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, Florida