Each month, the Dolly’s Dream project sponsors at least two JHS dogs. Dolly’s Dream Dogs also go home with some awesome dog supplies. For more information on a Dolly’s Dream Dog, email [email protected].
Dolly’s Dream Dogs
What is Dolly's Dream?
Since 2017, JHS has not used breed labels. If you walk through the kennels or look at our website, you will see “mixed breed” for all of our dogs. Why? We believe that it’s important to know the dog for who they are and not how they look. However, that doesn’t stop some from believing stereotypes and myths about certain breeds that make it difficult to find these dogs homes. Our “blocky head” friends who look like a “bully breed” are wonderful, loving companions and thanks to Dolly, their dream of finding homes will come true!
Dolly’s Dream is a project to encourage the adoption of our “blocky-head” pups and to help counter the unfortunate stereotypes and myths that some people still believe about these dogs. JHS finds homes and new families for thousands of these dogs each year. They are adopted by a wide variety of people – single people, couples, grandparents and families with children of all ages.
Perks of Adopting a Dolly's Dream Dog
When you adopt a Dolly’s Dream dog, you receive:
- Waived adoption fee (free)
- Collar
- Leash
- Dolly’s Dream bandana
Certain Dolly’s Dream dogs receive*:
- Crate, bowls, toys
- 6 months of heartworm prevention
- Free enrollment in a one-on-one training class tailored to you and your new dog’s needs
* Details vary by dog. Please see each dog’s profile for more information or contact [email protected]
How did Dolly's Dream start?
Dolly was a bully-type dog who changed the heart and mind of the man who adopted her with her sweet and loving personality. She showed him that dogs like her can be just as sweet and loving as any other dog. In her honor, Dolly’s Dream provides second chances for dogs across the nation.
Follow Dolly’s Dream on Instagram.

Meet our JHS Dolly’s Dream Dogs:

Meet Hopper! Hopper is a 2-year-old boy who enjoys playing with stuffed toys, eating lots of treats, and hanging out with his favorite human friends. Hopper also enjoys gentle snuggles and going on car rides! Hopper’s adoption has been lovingly sponsored by Dolly’s Dream, and he is waiting to meet his new best friend at JHS.
Our Most Recently Adopted Dolly’s Dream Dogs:

